
Showing posts with the label Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans 2016 Update: 7 Things We Want Next

Numerous expansive Clash of Clans upgrades have arrived of late that changed how a standout amongst the most prevalent portable diversions on the planet was played. Expanding choices for abnormal state players, adjusting gameplay and changing how we prepare armed forces. Supercell then disposed of duping, brought mix times down to make troops or spells, and included a halloween topic. This is what we need to see next. The designers at Supercell have been listening to criticism, and rolled out significantly more improvements to enhance things with respect to general adjust. Keeping in mind numerous players aren't amped up for the mystery nerf to the Miners, or the new preparing framework, the diversion is tremendously moved forward. Perused: Clash of Clans Update Problems and Fixes Another enormous expansion was the Bomb Tower, a fresh out of the plastic new cautious building. Also new unique offers went for profiting. Since things are more adjusted than any other time in...