Clash of Clans 2016 Update: 7 Things We Want Next

Numerous expansive Clash of Clans upgrades have arrived of late that changed how a standout amongst the most prevalent portable diversions on the planet was played. Expanding choices for abnormal state players, adjusting gameplay and changing how we prepare armed forces. Supercell then disposed of duping, brought mix times down to make troops or spells, and included a halloween topic. This is what we need to see next.
The designers at Supercell have been listening to criticism, and rolled out significantly more improvements to enhance things with respect to general adjust. Keeping in mind numerous players aren't amped up for the mystery nerf to the Miners, or the new preparing framework, the diversion is tremendously moved forward.
Perused: Clash of Clans Update Problems and Fixes
Another enormous expansion was the Bomb Tower, a fresh out of the plastic new cautious building. Also new unique offers went for profiting. Since things are more adjusted than any other time in recent memory, what's next? We're not certain, but rather here are a couple changes that would be invited increases
Town Hall 11 has been accessible for almost a year, and is getting more grounded than any time in recent memory. Considering they've included a third legend, a Bomb Tower, EAGLE and that's only the tip of the iceberg, we likewise got 25 more dividers in October of 2016.
Things are gradually showing signs of improvement, however despite everything we're sitting tight for much more changes, more troops, and better Clan Wars. In April Supercell pushed out an immense activity to discover con artists, boycott them, and offer fairplay to Clash of Clans. On April twentieth a Clash of Clans redesign took off with server side changes to recognize con artists. The majority of those were impermanent, however the October 2016 upgrade brought about lasting bans. Numerous players amped up for the redesign couldn't sign in. This was a critical move, regardless of the possibility that some aren't glad about it or didn't consider their additional applications as "tricking". It's against the guidelines, and now they're banned for it.
That all said, things are very different nowadays. Family Wars are solid, agreeable and masterminded wars are a thing, yet War matchups are still really terrible on occasion. At the point when a diversion proceeds for this long things in the end begin to change, and that is precisely what we're seeing. It's still colossally prominent, however we're not certain what can come next beside new troops and further modification.
The following is a gathering of pictures for new components or conceivable changes in view of what the group needs, what I need as a Town Hall 11, and just when all is said in done. A large portion of these will probably never observe the light of day, while some may land in an alternate form. Here's a couple highlights we need to find in the following Clash of Clans redesign.
Each and every time Clash of Clans presents on Twitter or Facebook, some place in the remarks somebody requests this. It's what profits, so we're almost certain it will never, ever happen, yet it's conceivable.
Much the same as we mine gold, remedy, and dull solution, we need a Gem Mine to be added as an alternative to purchase. This could just give clients one Gem a day, which is the most profitable in-diversion cash. As opposed to thousands every day, only one, or two. This wouldn't be sufficient to definitely dive into the pockets of the designers, however would give gamers something to gather, set aside, and use later on.
The individuals who are ready to gradually set aside diamonds as time goes on could utilize this further bolstering their good fortune. For whatever length of time that we don't get too much, this shouldn't be a lot of an issue, and be beneficial for Supercell to add to Clash of Clans. Include the way that there is a pearl stockpiling, they can be stolen amid assaults, much the same as consistent plunder. Making the amusement significantly all the more intriguing, and giving clients a greater amount of a motivating force to utilize them, as well as assault when somebody is perched on a heap of jewels.
I don't see it perpetually happening, yet it's one of numerous things everybody needs in the following (and all) Clash of Clans redesign.
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